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Call for Papers

  All manuscripts must be submitted via e-mail to
  Please refer to Author Guidelines for more information.

  Deadline for submission:

  March 31 for the June issue

- Revision process between April 1 and June 15 

- First decision on the paper in less than a month

- If all revisions are done in due time, the paper will be published in this issue

  Extended until September 30 for the December issue 

- Revision process between October 1 and December 15 

- First decision on the paper in less than a month

- If all revisions are done in due time, the paper will be published in this issue

  Special Issues

- Special issues denote collections of research and policy articles on specified subjects and are edited by guest editors. Like all original research articles, submissions to special issues are also subjected to an external double-blind peer review process. Proposals for special issues may be sent via e-mail to

  List of Invited Book Reviews | 2024

- If you would like to review one (or several) of the books listed below and you do not have access to it (them) please  contact our Book Review Editor, Dr. Eriks Varpahovskis (, we will try to help you and provide either offline or online copy.

- If there is a book that you would like to review for the Journal of Public Diplomacy (JPD) but it is not on the list below, you can inquire whether the review of another book will suit JPD by directly contacting Book Review Editor. Please include the author(s) names, full title, and publication year.

1) Alderman, P. (2023). Branding Authoritarian Nations: Political Legitimation and Strategic National Myths in Military-Ruled Thailand. Routledge

2) Alexander, C. (2021). The Frontiers of Public Diplomacy: Hegemony, Morality and Power in the International Sphere. Routledge

3) Bravo, V., & De Moya, M. (Eds.). (2021). Latin American Diasporas in Public Diplomacy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

4) Clerc, L. (2023). Cultural Diplomacy in Cold War Finland. Springer

5) Cull, N. J., & Hawes, M. K. (Eds.). (2021). Canada's Public Diplomacy. Palgrave Macmillan.

6) Eggeling, K.A. (2021). Nation-branding in Practice: The Politics of Promoting Sports, Cities and Universities in Kazakhstan and Qatar. Routledge.

7) Elitaş, T. (2022). Maintaining International Relations Through Digital Public Diplomacy Policies and Discourses. IGI Global

8) Gadjeva, N. (2022). Japanese Public Diplomacy in European Countries: The Japan Foundation in Bulgaria and France. Routledge.

9) Goel, M. (2021). Science Diplomacy for South Asian Countries. Springer Singapore.

10) Hanada, S. (2022). International Higher Education in Citizen Diplomacy: Examining Student Learning Outcomes from Mobility Programs. Springer Nature.

11) Hebert, D.G., & McCollum, J. (Eds.) (2022). Ethnomusicology and Cultural Diplomacy. Lexington.

12) Kennedy, L. (Ed.). (2022). Routledge International Handbook of Diaspora Diplomacy. Routledge.

13) Knight, J. (2022). Knowledge Diplomacy in International Relations and Higher Education. Springer Nature.

14) Kong, D. (2023). Museums, International Exhibitions and China's Cultural Diplomacy. Routledge

15) Kruglova, A. (2022). Terrorist Recruitment, Propaganda and Branding: Selling Terror Online. Taylor & Francis.

16) Lam, V. (2022). Public Diplomacy in Vietnam: National Interests and Identities in the Public Sphere. Taylor & Francis.

17) Landriault, M., Payette, J.-F. & Roussel, S. (2023). Mapping Arctic Paradiplomacy: Limits and Opportunities for Sub-National Actors in Arctic Governance. Routledge

18) Lebedeva, M. (2021). Russian Public Diplomacy From USSR to the Russian Federation. Routledge

19) Lim, S. H. (2021). Taiwan Cinema as Soft Power: Authorship, Transnationality, Historiography. Oxford University Press.

20) Marzouki, M. &  Calderaro, A. (2022). Internet Diplomacy: Shaping the Global Politics of Cyberspace. Rowman & Littlefield

21) Roumate, F. (Ed.) (2021). Artificial Intelligence and Digital Diplomacy. Springer

22) Scott, C. (2021). Cultural Diplomacy and the Heritage of Empire: Negotiating Post-Colonial Returns. Routledge.

23) Stecopoulos, H. (2021). Telling America’s Story to the World: Literature, Internationalism, Cultural Diplomacy. American Literary History, Oxford University Press

24) Surowiec, P., & Manor, I. (Eds.). (2021). Public Diplomacy and the Politics of Uncertainty. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

25) Tella, O. (2021) Africa’s Soft Power. Philosophies, Political Values, Foreign Policies and Cultural Exports Routledge.

©2024 by Journal of Public Diplomacy

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